What benefits are included in the autonomo’s contribution?
Learn here the coverage of the national insurance for autonomos.
Previous Considerations
1.Not all the benefits listed below are available straight after registration.
A minimum time of contribution is required to access some them.
2.The amount of each benefit is given as percentages of the contribution base. This percentage may vary.
For a discussion of what factors contribute to the amount of the autonomo’s payment read: New Autonomo Contribution for 2023
3.Finally: In order to benefit from any social aid it is a requirement to be up-to-date with the payments. In the event of meeting all other requirements except this one, a non-extendible period of 30 days is given to sort this out.
Medical Assistance
Autonomos benefit from the same coverage that employees under the general social system throughout the entire period of registration. Should you sign-off, the medical assistance would continue for 3 months after.
Maternity leave consists of 16-weeks off work while receiving 100% of the contribution base salary.
There is a period of 15 days after giving birth that will be applied to the maternity leave.
The minimum contribution period and other requirements for being eligible are explained here.
Temporary inability
This refers to the limited period of time in which an autonomo is unable to work due to common illnesses, a pregnancy with risk, or an injury.
The payment is 75% of the contribution base..
To receive this payment a minimum contribution period of 180 days within the last 5 years is required, except for cases of work accidents or occupational illnesses.
This situation can extend for a maximum of 18 months, otherwise, the injury is considered permanent.
Permanent Inability
In the case of illness or injury causing a total inability to work, 100% of contribution base wage.
There is the option to receive a one-off payment consisting of 40 times the base wage.
The pension is not discussed extensively in this article. As an approximation, ..it consists of the addition of 0.195% of the contribution base wage of each month in the working life, with a maximum of 37 years ( and a minimum of 15).
Cease of Activity. Unemployment pay.
From January 2019 this benefit is included in the contribution of all the autonomos. However, we have to say that it is very difficult to meet the requirements for this.