You may need to present them to your bank, for a loan or other official application. Know the most frequently used forms, certificates and documents by an autonomo.
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Registration Forms
- 037
Registration form with the Tax office. Among other It shows your activity and date of registration.
- Alta de Autonomo Seguridad Social
Registration forms with Social Security.
Tax Forms
Quarterly Income Tax | |
Quarterly IVA | |
With-holding tax on employees and professionals | |
With-holding tax on rent | |
Yearly summary of payments via modelo 115 |
Yearly summary of payments via modelo 111 |
Other commonly mentioned documents.
- Certificado de baja medica.
Given by your doctor at the medical center to certify that you are off-sick
Given by Hacienda to certify that you are up-to-date with payments.
- Certificado de estar al corriente con la Seguridad Social
Given by Social Security to certify that you are up-to-date with payments.